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Ministry Update December 2022

Greg Johnson

Last words. I remember them as if they were yesterday, and they will never leave me. We all remember the last words of those we have loved and lost. Similarly, our ministry is founded on some of the last words spoken by Jesus, the One we celebrate this season, in His last recorded prayer. The importance that we place on the words of His last prayer orders our days, weeks, and years. As a ministry team, we seek to understand His words and live our lives accordingly, leading others to do the same. Jesus gathered His disciples around Him and prayed these words in John 17: "that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me." Our unity around the message of Christ Himself draws others to God; this is the mission and passion of Standing Together, and this is what we ask you to give to as you consider your year-end giving out of the abundance He has given you.

We wanted to take some time to share some powerful words (not last words) from some who have benefited from the ministry of Standing Together so that you can tangibly see what your partnership with us does:

"Standing Together has facilitated hundreds of student dialogues that have been transformative and life-changing for countless Christians and Latter-Day Saints. I am so grateful for the opportunities I have been afforded to engage in conversations about topics that matter eternally and learn how to approach even the most sensitive and personal discussions with love and convicted civility. The work of the Holy Spirit is so evident in these God-glorifying and life-giving conversations where so many seeds are planted and watered." -Kelsey Lien (Azusa Pacific University Graduate)

“I’ve been a part of Standing Together for over 20 years. I can honestly say that it is one of the best things that God has done in my life and ministry! Through Greg and Jill, Standing Together has been true to its vision of ‘Advancing Biblical Unity and Spiritual Transformation in Utah.’ The unity among pastors has never been more vital, and the opportunities ahead for the transformation of Utah and the LDS Church are mind-boggling. I truly believe that God has used the ministry of Standing Together to make an incredible difference in the lives of thousands, and I can’t wait to see what the next 20 years will bring!” -Pastor Bill Young (The Rock Church)

God has given to each of us abundantly, and some of you have made our ministry of unity and transformation a priority by sharing financially what God has given you. As we are nearing our 22nd year, many financial partners that have walked with us from the beginning have spoken their "last words" and received the embrace of their Heavenly Father. We have lost the earthly presence of these friends, and our ministry has also lost the financial provision that their generosity provided us and the work God called us to here in Utah. Many of these partners gave monthly gifts. We hope you will consider Standing Together one of your giving priorities this season. Will you go to and click the donate button to set up a monthly donation or offer a one-time gift? Will you consider partnering with us by sending a gift in the stamped envelope we’ve provided so we can continue the work of Jesus’ last prayer as we move forward into 2023? Last year, we were blessed by fourteen partners who gave a one-time or monthly gift(s) totaling $1,000 or more. We trust God to increase that number to twenty by the end of 2022. Could you help us to reach that goal this year?

May your celebration of the birth of Christ bring you rest in His love, peace, and joy!

With love and gratitude, Greg, Jill, and the ministry team

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