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Ministry Update June 2022

Greg Johnson

Dear friends and partners!

Do you remember the days of progressive dinners? Some of you may be too young, but when we grew up, progressive dinners were a regular part of our fellowship with other believers. Recently, when we told our two teenage daughters that we were heading out for the evening, they wanted to know where we were going to eat. When we explained that appetizers would be at our home, dinner at the Kruegers’, and dessert at the Mansures’, they wondered why we would spend so much time driving from place to place. But for us, it was a night of celebration! The Kruegers and Mansures have walked with us over the last year, encouraging us as we enjoy the marriage miracle that God gave us. When we asked them to serve on our care team, we had no idea how God would knit our hearts together with such deep connection and friendship. We are so grateful to God for His work in our marriage and family over the last year and we are blessed by the prayers and support of many of you!

These last few months of ministry have been a bit like a progressive dinner, going from one thing to the next. God has opened many doors for us to walk through to enjoy the sweet fellowship of Christian unity and feeding on His Word:

  • Standing Together was honored to work with Pastor Fernando and Nations for Christ Church in the dedication of their new church home on June 5th. Miraculously, over the last two years, God directed the mayor and City Council of Clearfield to sell the old Davis County Library, a building four times as large as Nations for Christ’s old building, for about 25% of its value. Jill and I, along with six other pastors, offered prayers and blessings at the dedication and honored the city leadership for their generosity with an award from Utah’s Attorney General Sean Reyes and the Evangelical Task Force that we lead for him. The service felt like a revival meeting and was powerfully anointed.

  • Jill had the privilege of speaking at Christian Worship Center in Roy, UT about Abigail and the importance of walking in the gifts and abilities that God has given you.

  • The Building Bridges with Greg and Jill podcast this month tackled “cancel culture” and what God’s Word has to say about it.

  • Greg preached at Liberty Church in Salt Lake City about the heart of Jesus for the broken and suffering.

  • In May, we celebrated the 71st National Day of Prayer with local mayors, our former governor, Utah’s fourth district Congressman, Burgess Owens, and 29 church congregations and businesses as table sponsors. The worship was amazing, the message on prayer from Pastor Craig McCune was stellar, and the prayers offered were powerful.

  • The Treasure Cay Community Church on Abaco Island in the Bahamas allowed our family to come minister with them for about ten days in late March. Greg preached over two weekends and we were privileged to minister to many who experienced the devastation of Hurricane Dorian in 2019. Our hearts were broken by their stories of destruction.

  • Greg was invited to speak at the Calvary Chapel SLC monthly men’s breakfast.

  • Relational Wisdom 360 offers certification courses in biblical peacemaking. As we seek to help the body of Christ in Utah unify to reach others for Jesus, Jill is working her way through these courses to become a certified conciliator. These skills have proven helpful in assisting Christians in conflict with one another.

Heading into the summer, we are looking forward to our annual worship event, gathering all to join us as we worship God together on the front lawn of the Utah State Capitol on August 12th. As our team stands together to lead Christians in unity and building transformational bridges to our LDS friends, we truly need your support. Our biggest need is for new monthly supporters who would be able to commit to a monthly gift to keep us on track with our budgeted goals. Specifically, we are praying for 25 of you to respond with new or increased monthly donation of $25, $35, $50, or $100. Would you consider partnering with us to further the impact of Standing Together in Utah?

Thank you for your prayers and for considering your partnership with Standing Together!

With our love and sincere appreciation,

Jill and Greg

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